

Well I thought I should write a little about me really.

My name is Stacey, I am a child of the 80s. I currently reside in Manchester.

Check out my bonnet

Check out my bonnet , bitches! 

I was born in Durham and was raised by my paternal Grandfolk, Jack and Ivy, in a suburb of Sunderland called High Barnes. I lived there from being 18 months old til I was 7 when I moved to Cheshire.

My Grandparents have been a massive influence on my life, and I would count them as my second parents, my Nana is more of a mother to me than anyone in my life, she’s still going strong but sadly my Granda is not with us any longer. There’s a Granda sized hole in my heart that will never go away. I do miss him an awful lot.

As a child I was quiet by all accounts, and quite shy, something that has stuck with me in certain situations in my older years. I did very much enjoy making up musicals with my sisters and playing with my My Little Ponies (Applejack was my fav), puffalumps, wuzzles and fluppy dogs. I also went to Ballroom and Latin American dance classes. 

My Grandflok had a caravan in Teesdale which was an amazing place to spend my summers (I even went there for a few weeks as a teenager  over the school summers). 


After moving out of my Grandfolks place and on to Cheshire there followed some quite miserable horrible years which shall hereby be named “the age of doom” , until at the age of 11 I moved to my Dad and Step-Ma’s (Keith & Jackie) place in Barnton.

There followed the usual stuff, being a pain in the arse teenager to my parents, knocking around with some other pain in the arse teenagers, getting drunk, being sick, relationship traumas, making some very bad mistakes when it came to boys, interspersed with singing and dancing my heart out at the local drama group, doing my GCSEs and A levels and generally being a nuisance who had a lot of fun.

I got accepted to Uni in Sunderland to do Performing Arts on the basis of my script writing but didn't go. 
Instead I ended up working in pubs and bars and cafes, never dreaming I'd get out of Northwich and to be truly honest by that point I'd found something far more exciting. Clubs.

I spent my late teens and early to mid 20s in clubs up and down the country (Sundissential, Gatecrasher, Sin:ergy, Addiction, Tangled, Insomniacz, Sunday Mass, Good Greef, Storm, Base @ Space, Parlez Vous? etc etc) and even worked for some of them meaning free entry - yeah!  But a lot of standing about in the below outfits flyering after events.

I spent my time dancing about to repetitive music with a ridiculous sound (mostly hard house) and jumping about the place like a loon in various home made fluffy outfits or cyber wear.  

Addiction UntitledUntitledUntitled Untitled

These were the glory days of my youth. I met so many interesting people and went to some very strange but wonderful places, made friends for life and best of all, in all of this I met my now husband, then some bloke, called Tim. 


We got together in August 2002. We moved in together about six months after that, got engaged in 2004 and married in 2007, and it's all still as wonderfully perfect now as it was then, although we are more sensible these days and we look older. We grew up together and made a wonderful life together and my life improved 100% from the moment I met Tim. 


I was out of the cafe and off to Manchester where I worked as a Receptionist all the way to now working as  a PA to a Director.

I am also a burlesque harlot and go by the name of Ivy Wilde, something I may mention on here from time to time but it's not what this blog is about really, although costumes that get made will be featured. If you'd like to check out what I'm up to over int he burly world, I have a facebook page  and a tumblr account .

I love all things 40s and 50s, comics, films, burlesque, tea and cake and also in my spare time (loosely using the phrase) I sew, knit, embroider, read, write and take photos.

This is my blog to record that stuff and hopefully some people will find it an interesting read.  

Stacey :D 

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