Now I only have one photo of me and the tree and that's in the dark and after an hour and a half of decoration. There will be a better photo soon but at the moment I'm performing at the weekends and I leave the house when it's dark and arrive home in the dark so it'll have to do.
Our tree is magnificent. We again did the old "shall we just get a smaller tree this year?" thing and then opted for the biggest one.
Excuse the extremely tired face...I was, erm, tired.
This was all Tim could see of me in the car as we had to squish the tree in and put the eats down in the back.
It's 7ft. We live in a terrace. It's pretty much taking up a third of our living room BUT it's blummin gorgeous!
I bought some gold baubles and sparkly snowflakes to add this year as last year Tim decorated it and went with just red and green and I like a little extra sparkle.
Can you tell how excited I am?
I'll get some proper pics nearer to the day, I'm off to visit my Nana this weekend in Sunderland and next weekend I'm performing in Torquay on Friday and Chester on Saturday! A little whirlwind of fun for me this year!
And one last photo, I am actually being a christmas tree at the moment. Here is me in my costume (minus star hat and without the lights switched on). Gangsta Treepin' (yep...I did just say that).
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